Sunday, January 18, 2015

Car Cussing

by Troy Foster

In our family, we don’t let our kids cuss.  We’re pretty traditional.  “God” and “Jesus” are also forbidden unless referencing them properly.  Tradition ends when the car doors shut (on some days).  I have declared “car cussing” as a way for the kids to express themselves using whatever language they want without any reprisals.  They ask for car cussing sometimes, but it’s only a special treat.

And, we have a blast.  The kids giggle with excitement when it’s time.  Henry laughs so hard that it’s tough for him to get out “weiner sandwich” as his worst cuss word.  Lily, our little princess, simply repeats “boobies, boobies, boobies,” and laughs uncontrollably.  Our oldest is embarrassed by all of our behavior and refuses to participate.  But am sure that he’s wanting to say what Henry will eventually screams at the top of his lungs “what in the he*% are you doing?”  Just having fun.

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